Complaints Handling Procedure

We have a complaints handling procedure to ensure that any complaint about the service we provide is dealt with appropriately.

If you wish to make a complaint about our service or invoice, please put your complaint in writing to the lawyer concerned. Your letter of complaint will be acknowledged within two days and the lawyer will inform the Client Care Partner immediately.

If the lawyer cannot resolve the complaint to your satisfaction, it will be referred to the lawyer’s Team Leader. If the Team Leader is unable to resolve your complaint then it will be referred to the Client Care Partner who will contact you with a view to trying to resolve the complaint.

Unless your complaint can be resolved by correspondence, you will be invited to a meeting with the Client Care Partner and the lawyer concerned. After full consultation with both parties, the Client Care Partner will write to you with a decision or a proposal for the resolution of your complaint.

If your complaint is about the Client Care Partner it will be referred to the Managing Partner for resolution.

  • We aim to resolve your complaint within eight weeks from receipt of your letter of complaint.
  • We will communicate with you in the most convenient way for you.
  • We will not make any charge for handling your complaint.

If you are not satisfied with our final response you have the right to complain to the Legal Ombudsman. The Legal Ombudsman can investigate complaints within six years from the date of the problem happening or three years from when you found out about it. If you wish to refer your complaint to the Legal Ombudsman, you must do so within six months of the date of our final response to your complaint.

If we have instructed a barrister on your behalf, you have a right to complain about the service provided by that barrister. If you wish to make such a complaint, please inform the lawyer advising you and we will provide you with the necessary complaint process information. You can also make a complaint about a barrister directly to the Legal Ombudsman.

The Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) is an independent regulatory body established by the Law Society for the regulation of legal services. The SRA deal with cases where firms have breached SRA Principles. They do not have the power to award compensation for poor service, or to reduce or refund your legal fees. Visit the SRA website ( to see how you can raise your concerns.

Alternative complaints bodies, such as ProMediate ( do exist. They are competent to deal with complaints about legal services should both you and we wish to use such a scheme. However, we prefer to use the Legal Ombudsman.

Contact details for the Client Care Partner, Managing Partner and Legal Ombudsman are below.

Client Care Partner: James Russell
[email protected]
2nd Floor, 10 Bloomsbury Way, London WC1A 2SL
Tel 020 7395 4872

Managing Partner: Tim Perry
[email protected]
2nd Floor, 10 Bloomsbury Way, London WC1A 2SL
Tel 020 7395 4873

Legal Ombudsman
PO Box 6806, Wolverhampton WV1 9WJ
[email protected]
0300 555 0333


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